Thursday, October 1, 2009

Saying Goodbye....

To my house. Some of you may remember back in April, I mentioned that our house is up to be remodles, but it turns out that it's going to be demolished. Well, our contract for the year is up this month on the 19th, and I went in today to see what I need to do and what not. Well, apparently, we have it until the end of Jan to find a new house. Still on base and the housing company will pay for the move. Our house is being demolished in Feb. So, despite the wait, my house is going bye bye. Hopefully we get a brand spanking new house that they are building now. Or even one of the newer houses that are way nicer then ours. Seth wants to move before then into a new house, so we are going to go back in on Mon or Tues to talk with our House Rep to see what we can do. So, here's hoping!

1 comment:

Grandma R said...

We hope you can find an appropriate place to live. One that you like.