Friday, October 2, 2009


My poor dog. Suri hurt herself yesterday, and she is in so much pain. I took her to the vet this afternoon, and from how much pain she is in, it is very likely that she tore something in her knee, but to take the cheaper route first, she was perscribed some strong pain pills, just in case she only pulled something. But the Vet told me straight up that with the amount of pain she is in, coupled with the fact that she is part Pit Bull (which have a very high pain tolerance) that she probably tore it. So basically she is on bed rest. Lol. And if she isn't doing any better monday, then starts the more expensive route. So, crossing fingers, she'll start doing better soon.

But I like this Vet. He had a way about him that I liked a lot. He asked permission and talked to Suri like I do. Yes, I admit, I have conversations with my dog, and she talks, a lot. But I think I like the fact that he didn't treat Suri any different because she has Pit in her. Also, he explained everything to me, and listened to me. So, he is my dogs new vet here in Oklahoma.

Peace, Love, and... Prayers!

1 comment:

Grandma R said...

How do you keep a dog on bed rest?