Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dental Drama

So yesterday Hubby and I drove to Texas to get his wisdom teeth out. Oh joy right?

While we were driving, I saw like 15 camels in a corral like horses.
I'm like, seriously, why do we have camels in Texas!
I find it histarical. Even my sister who lived in Texas, said
"What?! How?! Why!?"

So we get there like an hour early, cuz we have no idea where we were going. And we actually get lost driving on this base. Lol. Our base only has stop signs, not lights. This base was huge, with stop lights everywhere. So we see the hospital, but we had a hard time getting to it. Lol. Windy roads and all. Eventually we make it. The surgery, takes forever. They actually hook him up to an IV. I thought it was a little overkill, but you have to protect your assests, right? Well, the dental assistant brought me his orders to be on quarters till....Feb 30. I'm like, woah, hold the phone. I take the paper to the desk, and I asked "When Feb started having 30 days in it?", he was all "When did it not?" WHAT!!! I pull out a calender, and was all, "Feb ends on the 28, so do you mean March 2?" He was all, "yeah yeah, that's what I ment." Funny Stuff.. I thought Air Force men were smart. Lol.

Anyways, the surgery went well, he is sore, swollen, but doing ok. I am waiting for all the pretty colors to show up. So until he can eat normally, its all for juice, soup, mashed potatoes, and yogurt. I would post a pic, but he doesn't like em to begin with, and especially so in pain.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It has come to my attention that some of you heard there were tornedos here in Oklahoma, and are worried for my safety. But don't worry, we didn't get hit, we just had lots of wind. But it is true that there were tornados in the state. But not here. Lol. I think I've made my point. So I'm safe, my town is safe. No worries here. Love ya'll!
Peace, LOVE and chocolate!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

So my brain hurts, but not as bad as previous years.

That's right ladies and gentelmen, I filed our taxes. I was gunno go through the effort of doing it by hand, but then Hubby tells me that we can file with H&R Block online for free! I was happy. I juat punch in numbers, and they do all the thinking. PLUS!, it checks to make sure I do everything right! I was excited. I was worried about having all my W-2's with my maiden name, but I told em I got married this year, and they told me what to do and they told me congratulations. I did the math by hand anyways, just for fun (what can I say, I like numbers) and we are getting more money this way anyways and I could file state taxes. So all in all, I am a pleased customer. Go me!

P.S. I have put out tons of applications, but no news of a job yet. Which is lame, but if its ment to be, it will be.

Peace, love and CHOCOLATE!