Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It has come to my attention that some of you heard there were tornedos here in Oklahoma, and are worried for my safety. But don't worry, we didn't get hit, we just had lots of wind. But it is true that there were tornados in the state. But not here. Lol. I think I've made my point. So I'm safe, my town is safe. No worries here. Love ya'll!
Peace, LOVE and chocolate!


Hollister Mom said...

So, I'm posting to your blog, so there! I'm glad you're okay and that they run practice drills. Sounds as if it's just about like living with earthquakes. Instead of rockin' and rollin' you'll be duckin' and blowin'!!! It's a brand new game. Whee-e-e-ee

Anonymous said...

.......I agree with Mom........