Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happenings in the life...

SO, anyone who knows me, knows I don't do so well with needles most of the time. But I am happy to report that today, after having 6 1/2 (guess I ran out of blood, lol) vials taken, I DIDN'T PASS OUT. lol. But today was a new guy taking my blood, so, as he was telling me to sit in the non reclining chair, I was like, "I should tell you, I have a bad history with needles and passing out." He looked at me like I was joking, and said, "Serious?" LOLOL. Like I would joke about this. "Yup, I have got plenty of experience passing out at my Drs in Cali, take me word, with the amount of blood you're taking, I need to lay down." So yeah, it worked out. But he was all, keep your hand in a fist, but relax your body (think to myself , How on earth do you do that??) and breathe.

Yeah. Awesome. And to top it all off, my normal Dr went into labor that morning, so I got a male Dr to talk about in depth female things. Can anyone say AKWARD!!! Don't worry, nothing is wrong (at least not that I know of) just trying to figure some stuff out. But I am going to be seeing Drs about bi weekly or so. Which is gunna suck work wise.

In other news, I was given a bedroom frame and headboard. I did a happy dance for that one too. Its nice, I like it, Seth doesn't care much, he's like, I just sleep on the bed, I don't care what it looks like. LOL, typical guy right? But I am super happy about it.

And last, but certainly not least.... WE ARE GOING TO CALIFORNIA NEXT MONTH!!!! That's right ladies and gents! Seth was approved for some leave, so we are going. My boss is sad, she was all, what if you don't want to come back. It's not that I want to come back to OK afterwards, It's more of a have to for Seth. Great reasonings, right? But Seth and I have a list of placed to go started up. So far, the musts are, Super T, Cheung Changs, In and Out (what can we say, we love CA food), the beach, family, friends, the beach....and thats where we are at for now. Anywho. Laundry to sort and fold, so TTYNT!!!

Peace, LOVE, and CALIFORNIA!!!!


Hollister Mom said...

Can't wait to see ya'!!!

Grandma R said...

We have posted at dinner date with you (and Richard, I think) on the 17th of July.
See you then.