Friday, June 5, 2009


I finally got a day off after 2 weeks! It is so needed, not just to rest, but to clean! And to TONS of laundry! Its kinda bad, I'm not going to lie. I keep the trash and dishes taken care of, but things are a little hairy, compliments of Suri. Lol. Ah, a day off with Seth means we both are cleaning while relaxing, strange I know. His Mom is always asking me how I get him to clean, but he normally is like, ok, cleaning time. Plus, I have my ways. lol. Our room is full of cloths to be washed and cleaning stuff, and military stuff. Its a wreak.

In other news, I got to talk to essentially my whole immediate family yesterday. It was nice. They all desended on my moms house for Miss Lori Loo's graduation, and so I called. LOL. Everyone was excited to hear from me, at least I hope so, lol. =)

Seth lost hearing in his left ear yesterday at the firing range. It's bound to happen after 10 hours of it. But I am happy to report, his hearing is practically all better now. Yay. He learned how to shoot left handed, because he is left eye dominant, which is pretty cool. I suppose. He passed his second try, which is awesome. Hmm. In 3 months, he tacks on his second stripe. Which is exciting. I think its actually 100 days exactly today, I could be wrong, it's know to happen. I wanna go shooting his M-4 but he has to buy the bullets first. It'll be super exciting to find out if I can still out shoot him, or if the military made him better then me. So we shall see, hopefully in the near future.

Other then that, nothing much is going on right now. I have decided not to buy another puppy for a while, even tho I had puppy fever. lol. Things are good for us, so I don't want to upend anything. Anywho, lunch has arrived with its beautiful italian smells...

Peace, Love, and ITALIAN FOOD!


Grandma R said...

It was really nice to talk to you yesterday. The graduation was good, short, windy.
I wouldn't tell how Lori felt she didn't express much. We were glad to be able to be there.

Hollister Mom said...

A day off is wonderful!! Even when you have to tend to everyday things. I may be weird but I find a lot of satisfaction in getting to do the laundry and dishes. It's a nice change from the pace of work. I'm betting Seth shoots better than you now for two reasons. 1- He's been practicing. 2- You haven't! :-) I thinks it's fun having pass-the-phone calls. We'll have to do it more often.