Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Turns out, Im really behind the times. In December, Mila learned how to crawl, cut 2 teeth, weighed 17.6 pounds and 28 (?) ish inches. Poor baby girl got a hair folical skin infection. From my best guess, its from my friends carpet. :( That was the only change to her schedual. But that has cleared up and she is back to normal. Mila has also started eating solids. She loves strawberries, bananas, pears, peas and carrots so far.

Last month was also our squadrons Christmas party, which was pretty fun. We were cute, but didn't take such cute pictures. Haha, so this is the best one of us. :D

This last month, Seth and I bought another vehicle for us. We decided that with me having two kids most days, that it would be better not to be carless, but I didn't want to wake up at 4 am to take him to work. We are loving it!

1 comment:

Grandma R said...

uThank you for the pictures. I love Mila's smile.
Grandma Rowan