Sunday, March 15, 2009

The flowers

So, while talking to my sister the other day, the subject of flowers came up. In many ways. Lol. She is a google freak (said with love) and loves to Google lots of things. So when she was unable to find the flower type that I have in my yard, I thought that I would take a wack at it. So I typed in purple flower on bush Oklahoma. And a few picture websites later, I found it. They are Saucer Magnolia Flowers. And I am so proud of myself for Googleing it, so now I'm not going crazy trying to figure it out. Lol. Yay me! Google rocks!

1 comment:

Hollister Mom said...

Google IS an amazing thing. I use it all the time at work. I also use '' a lot with Kolby. Flowers are amazing therapy for the winter blahs. BTW, I finally finished my corner Iris bed! Yea, me!