Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm in Love

With a new ice cream flavour. Lol, you thought Seth did something cute, didn't you.. Well, he did, but it's just cute Seth things. Anyways, the flavour is Pomegranate Cheesecake. Yum. It's at our local ice cream joint called Braum's. Delicious. Even Seth saya it was interesting, but he doesn't like cheesecake. So he may be bias. Hmmm...

Today was a good day off, we went to a Retirement Ceremony for a Cheif Master Sergent that was one of Seth's higher ups. I can't tell you how many times I heard the number 25 and 1/2 today. It was redunculous. (prenounced re-dun-cue-lous, my own special word) The things this man has done is amazing. He has so many degrees and he wrote a book called Control Your Destiny: A Common Sense Guide to Success by Steven Michael Martinez. This guy is pretty awsome. I wanna get this book. He kinda pulled some lines from it in his farewell speach today and it sounds pretty interesting. I've talked with this guy a few times at work, and he is so nice. But he isn't really retiring, he is moving to Florida to be the chief security person dude at Cape Canaveral. Lol.

Anyway, it's been an overall good day. I am talking myself out of buying a new husky puppy. My boss just bought one, and he is so cute. But I know I am a sucker for puppies, and so is Seth. So we aren't rushing into anything. I can't remember if I've said before, but I am being seriously considered for a management job soon. I got phone calls by 2 of my managers, and had a visit at work by the general manager to talk to me about several things. Anywho, that's all for now, I'm gunna hit the hay, catch some zzz's. Night all!!

Peace, LOVE and Chocolate

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Drumroll Please

SO.. Seth took his Job Knowledge test today. And he felt pretty confident that everything went well, but they were taking forever to score them. So we, along with another couple, decided to go to lunch as a celebration to passing, or mourning the failing. Either way, we were eating good. LOL. And then he gets a text, (I mean really, who calls people anymore.) and he PASSED!!!! With a 90! The highest score of this group! Yay! He kinda looked like he was in shock. It made me giggle. So we are super proud and are celebrating. Celebrate with us!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

For Mom... and everyone else...

My mother sent me 'hate mail' telling me to post something new. LOL. I knew it had been a while, but I didn't realize HOW long. Sorry about that. Life has been busy. I am loved at my job (Mom says there was never any doubt) and they have entrusted me with a key to the store. They have also started giving me management training, which is cool. I laughed because they were nervous about asking me to come and learn new things, I'm like, I'll learn whatever you want to teach me. They are impressed with me, and there is rumblings about giving me a raise already. GO ME! They have me working A LOT so I don't have tons of time on my hands, and my weekly paychecks are nice. The only bad things about this job so far is, I never get to see Hubby anymore, makes me sad. Luckly, my manager trys to get me a day shift and at least one day off with him. It's true what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. It's cute, when I come home from closing shift, Hubby will already be asleep, but when I go in the room he says, "Babyz! I miss love you and I missed you so much!" then promptly falls back to sleep. LOL. So at least I know that even his sub consious loves me.

News for him is, the is taking his Job Knowledge test tomorrow, and he feels super good about it. This means, when he passes, we are then eligable to take leave. Yay! BUT, they way the schedual is now, we wont be able to leave till about July. Which is ok, cuz hopefully we will get the early July one, and be back in Cali for the 4th of July rally, which will be the most excitement we've had in a long time. So yes, we are coming, but no, we don't know exactly when.

Let's see. In other news, this town is sooooooooo smalll with noooothing to do. It makes Hollister look like a hopping place. We are the exciting place for our neighboring towns. The closest semi entertaining town is Lawton, which is about 60 miles away. Lamesauce. For example of my towns lameness is... I had to go to 4 stores to get a gift for a friend and co-worker who graduated this last weekend. 1 for balloons, 1 for a card, 1 for chocolates and 1 for a Teddy Bear in a cap and gown. I'm like, seriously, we need a Target. I didn't realize how much I loved the place. The most exciting place to go is Wal-Mart. No joke. (My co worker would say "WOW" but kinda sounding like a cat meowing. It's hard to explain.) Seriously, DENNY'S and STARBUCKS and DUNKON DONUTS couldn't make it in this town. The reason being is, the Committee of 100 are all buisness owners who don't want the town to change. They are afriad of the mom and pop placed being over run. We have no mom and pop places. We have Hotels, Fast Food and Gas Stations. RAWR!!!!

So that's my ranting on the town. If I think of anything I missed, I'll blog again. I'll let ya'll know if anything exciting happens and if Hubby passes his test.

PEACE, Love and Chocolate